How Do We Become Productive in an Adverse World?

There are many ideas out there that people have not expressed or understood explicitly, leaving many in the dark as to what they should
do in life's struggles. The fine details of what creates productivity are definitely one of them. Typically, actually talking about productivity
gets overshadowed by biases in weight loss or making money effectively/fast. The reality is that when people are effective, it is possible to
reach a state of affairs where everything goes well regardless of what challenges may arise.

Part 1: Human Bonding -- Humans are very complex animals. They are distanced from other animals by the fact that they rely
(at least in modern times) on abstract structures of retrieving food, shelter and water. On the other hand, our nuanced methods allow us to more
amply cover our hierarchy of needs. We can eat more of specific types of foods (mainly carbs) than other animals, allowing us to have strong brains
that can do that which had been impossible. We can build houses that keep us safe from most organisms 99% of the time. We can attain safe water
consistently and use trade routes to cover inadequacies. The hierarchy of needs does not rule over us and so we have time to develop our brains
further than any other beings.

However, the hierarchy of needs is still hard to overcome. Beyond the physical aspects on the hierarchy are the social ones. We need to have
esteem, which only comes after sense of belonging. But do we typically use self-actualization in productivity ideals? No. Society has us working
under employers who give us an adequate amount of love, belonging and esteem. This causes a lot of immature people to see themselves as mature.

Self-actualization is usually what self-employed individuals have to find. Unless you are starting off with partners who make it easy, you will
have to learn how to control every inadequacy in your ways of living. But this doesn't mean that only self-employed people should find it. As
mentioned earlier, most of your life depends on how productively you lead it. While self-actualization can seem like it is only for the
"independent strong" types, it is a matter of making society functional. Being someone who accepts their role as a service person is important
perhaps more than independence ideals. The world is social and so it runs under the services of most people.

Well, with all of that out of the way - the human bonding part of productivity begins with not love but logic. In fact, love is perhaps one of the
greatest forms of self-actualization and therefore, love is something to be built up to. Every great thing requires a planning and building period.
Love is acceptance of the limitations of human interactions. We accept what people most desire and accept what people can receive at their highest point
and we acknowledge that creating great moments is a large work and time involvement. The worst type of people to try dating are those who either don't
want to think about things or don't want to spend time on things. The biggest way to create love is through exposure time. The more time we actually
experience each other, the more we can spend energy on the positives and remove ourselves from the negatives. Positivity is a lot stronger than
negativity. Negativity is only meant to soon be overturned by rebellion and change while positive emotions become a complete existence for a person.

Knowing this, the utmost important feature of a positive relationship is not abusing it. Don't make yourself the center even if you can make a person
happy in every way. You don't want your partner to not develop. You are committing a serious crime if you depart from them while they are dependant upon
you. Exposure time can get you a lot of ideal people, but you have to make sure that you don't become a new way for antisocial personality to develop.
Socializing is the key to wellbeing and if you close off the rest of the world from them, life will begin to lose its definition once again.

Part 2: Nutrition -- As I have mentioned above, carbs are a major part of what makes humanity so strong. However, there are also
micronutrients and vitamins. It is such a great blessing to know which foods contain vitamins and minerals that allow the body to function properly.
Unfortunately, most people turn to supplements or malnutrition. Without learning nutrition, you are depriving yourself of the knowledge at the center
of your life. You don't know how important each part of your meal is to your productivity moving forward.

Believe it or not, the answer to mastering nutrition is exposure. But unlike with love, this has to be disciplined exposure. You should be investigating
everything to see what is important or not. Trusting in weight loss or exercise for health is not good for productivity, especially since starving yourself
will create conditions of low productivity for a long period of time while you try to lose weight (or you may become cranky and jeopardize a lot of
important things) and serious exercise will take up a lot of time and make you tired. If you simply understood your life better, you could go working on
whatever you need to at all times, maybe just exercise when you can't think of doing anything else or feel like you have no access to what you are supposed
to do for work or learning.

Why do I mention worrying about weight loss so prominently? Well, fatness and productivity are really tied. Fatness is the same as covering the
hierarchy of needs but it is also exceeding it. You can have higher energy than a skinny person while also not spending all of it on exercise like a
muscular person. The fat people you will meet will have very active brains. If only they had been taught that they can be healthy and fat, then they would
not waste them with poor micronutrient intake because they have given up on being "healthy." Fat bodies are even stronger than skinny ones so long as you
keep using your body enough that you don't have problems using it when you need it. You and your body need to learn how to move with added weight.

Remember that the World Health Organization (WHO) were the ones who created a panic about an obesity epidemic (with a very weak weight classing system).
After that, everyone was an expert and was 100% sure that no one should be fat ever. Until that rampant negativity and fallicious logic slowly created
rebellion in the form of acceptance and positivity rather than vile hatred on the topic, especially when coming from a scientific lens. In fact, fat
people are even socially pushed out of becoming scientists due to these strong prejudices.

Part 3: Study Methods -- Self-actualization, the epitome of human productivity, is dependant upon lots of studying. If you hated
studying in school, you might still love studying outside of school. A lot of people love to study the news or politics or read articles that lightly
brush on subjects like nutrition. But all of this stuff is really nonsense and a huge waste of productivity usually. What one should be doing is
learning about key concepts in their spare time, never really looking to others for answers unless there is a lot of field-specific information to
unpack. Even so, you can learn more every day until you can understand what each vocabulary word is getting at despite the text being post-graduate

Why are light articles and political news a colossal waste of time? Firstly, they are typically not giving you enough information to make a decision
on. Secondly, if it is politics, you will most likely never be in a situation to make a difference, even if you are a politician yourself. Third, you
are going to become engrossed in something that makes you feel smarter than you actually are. Lastly, your false confidence in knowledge will likely
cause you frustration and arguments with others when you only imagine your understanding of life. The only real purpose people should pay attention to
these articles is if they are in a position to debunk them. But ideally, you should try to make conflict minimal while disagreeing with others. You can
go make your own articles or videos in the future to cause far more change than you would have in person.

Studying manages to be pretty natural as a social phenomenon. People are drawn to knowing what other people know. Especially in such a distant world
as today's, people want to at least try to grasp at what people are thinking.... However, that does not mean it is right to think that way when you come
across people. Everyone is really an individual and you have to be willing to embrace that every time you challenge someone's views. People are a lot of
hard work and second-hand studying will not work. You need first-hand sources; talking to the person themselves and the people they are closely involved
with (also being sure to cross-reference).

This brings us to the method part of the situation. Cross-referencing is very important in the age of the Internet. A lot of people think accidental
propaganda is okay and so there can be a lot of false information out there as a joke or whatever. Additionally, there is now a big presence of real
propaganda that a lot of people mistake as being true. Indeed, information warfare is real. While Russia has the biggest information warfare programs,
every country is guilty of it to some extent, especially the strongest ones.

But there are also simply information sources that don't get enough perspective and studying done. You are unlikely to find articles that cover all
of the information you need and you probably won't be happy with just one article/study on a topic anyway. Overall, you should be studying not only
information itself, but how information is meant to be interpreted and how it can be deceptive, biased or using telltale propaganda tactics.

Remember that experimenting and direct analyses are the strongest forces in learning and science. This is why hardcore video games create such passion
that potentially leads to an encyclopedic knowledge by people who neglect their school studies or work. Video games allow you to experiment with far less
limitation than you are put into in real life and therefore, your ideal situation is one where you can work and experiment directly on your topics of
interest. However, psychological responses and reputation are still a limiting factor even then, if you are dealing with people directly. This makes
self-improvement with things like herbalism, cuisine, growing food, animal-raising and nutrition among the most valuable things you have since it is the
only place where you can experiment and work without limitation.

Part 4: Finding the Right People -- After you have become a strong person, you begin to realize how limited your abilities are
without allies. But finding a partner is not easy in a world where everyone is off to mindless college and then mindless work. Additionally, you may
be living with people, but they are considered worthless to you.... However, there are few truly worthless people; detrimental ones are more common and
much worse. Every moment spent with a detrimental person is potentially jeopardizing your future.

It has become commonly taught among entrepreneurs and such that "you are only as good as the people around you" or something to that extent. This is
very true for the most part. No matter how skilled and knowledgeable you are, you are likely to be stuck around people who essentially discourage your
passions, won't back off of misconceptions, won't give you the flexibility and respect you need to concentrate on your work properly and simply won't
work to improve your chances to succeed. The only common workarounds these days are entering colleges or a workplaces where you can be centered around the
topic, but this is far from ideal.

Finding the right people in the right circumstances is something that takes perhaps as much work as finding a person to marry or stay with for the rest
of your life. You need to expose them to you and expose you to them. But additionally, you will have to give up on incompatible people no matter how
tiring or difficult the loss is to accept. The key traits for allies and workers are aligned passions or respect, desire to improve, willingness
to listen (even if they don't show it at first) and people who have studied and worked where you have not, but wish you were able to. Perhaps with just
two of these traits being found, you will have a good ally on your hands.

But, WHERE do we find them? Tragically, most good workers are college-bound or already working. If you wish to curb the system, you either have to
have enough influence to get someone out of it or you have to except purely temporary and part-time workers who might decide you are worth it. Perhaps,
if you are really aiming for the college crowd, you can do whatever it takes to make an internship program worth their time as people who intern at places
are also likely to want to work there if they have a good experience since they feel a lot less intimidation. Outside of college students, you will either
find people who are already doing work or are almost never leaving the house and other private residences they visit except on occasion. The latter group
are potentially the most talented. They are too soft to have gotten positions anywhere or maybe they are too fed up with what the world offers. Either way,
whether they are workers with enough spare time or people who stay in the private sphere for one reason or another, your best chance to get these people
is at public events. You will also need to communicate with them online or by phone or you will not be able to retain a large amount of them.

Anyway, public events are a great way to meet people suited to your needs (when you advertise them) because people are open to being surprised and
entertained when going out and seeing their peers. You can setup an event within an event by talking to a manager. You could probably ask for something
as simple as advertising your needs as long as you have copies a document/advertisement to show them. Or you could just go out and use signs and forms
to get people involved, in the way that activists or sellers might, without permission. On the other hand, you can also go to events that do the marketing
for you. You can go to events linked to or directly about the topics you are working in. You can go to events talking about business marketing or teaching
and casually talk about what your work is with recruitment documents on the ready.

Also be sure to remember that your goal should not be just to recruit people directly, but also hear about and deliver to the people who are locked in
the private sphere and would be unlikely to leave home. You can get your information to people you would never otherwise meet if you find their more social
relatives, friends and co-workers.

Of course, this last section has become far too business-like for those who are meant to work under employers. But, the information is still valuable
in an abstract way. Using these exact methods would be pretty unorthodox for just finding friends, but honesty, understanding and capturing excitement
in these ways would still work well for getting the right friends. People are unlikely to find what they want just from going through school and work so
you should see your own chances to have once been the same as that person who lives in an environment completely unknown to you.

Well, that's all.

To succeed in a world that does not want you to succeed, you need to think about everything, but hopefully you never have to get overwhelmed.
Lean on whatever support you can until you can work your needs out and create a manageable situation. Otherwise, you are likely to be filled with
expectations that will cause you and your guardians great pain. Once again, the most persistently useful technique to learning is exposure time.
Failure and discouragement are purely misunderstandings and unfamiliarities.

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